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How to fix WordPress White screen Error

If you are working with WordPress more than a week you must happened to see this common error of White screen death. Its really irritating because we can't identify the actual error or what we did wrong ?. If you must be developer of WordPress Plugin or Theme , else you must be a user of WordPress. So here i will explain both of you.

First I am going to explain on User view. Because users can't find the actual root coding of Your WordPress. 

User View to Solve it :

1. Possible way of solving the problem is to deactivate the plugin or a theme you installed lastly. It may have some errors in coding and not fixed well or not handled with error catching event.

2. Use a expert to find-out the thing which affected by your last plugin or theme. Because whenever you install a plugin or a theme, it may create certain data's into your WordPress database. So first you must find-out the things completely and remove it and delete the files in your wp-content folder. 

3. Another Popular way is to deactivate all plugin and themes you installed and make a fresh install of (wp-content/ ) folder.

4. Ask your hosting server forum and call your domain hosting care.

Developer View to Solve it:
Developers last activity of your function you created on your plugin or theme file must have a error. You will know that and the error may be classified into 2 type.

1. Problem Persist on your hosting server. 

2. Problem with your code. 

1. Problem with Hosting Server
 May be of your hosting server is not capable of handling your wordpress update. Many of the server tried to upgrade new features everyday. This  may cause some problems. Ask your hosting server forums.

2. Problem with your Code
  Most common mistakes i will bring it here. 
  • error because of the functions conflicting in nature.  because wordpress is created for customization. So many built in function already built with it. You may write your code to conflict with its predefined code. Check the functionality before trying to code it yourself. 
  • Blankspace in your theme functions.php file . this could leads you to see  a white screen .
  • Blank Line it wp-config.php file, may be you tried to add some code on your wp-config.php file. and forgot to delete the created a bit of unknown blank line. 
  • File permission , if you are palying with file such as reading and writing of files. check the file psermissions first. 

2 Responses to “How to fix WordPress White screen Error”

Unknown said...
28 November 2013 at 18:37

this is great post. thanks for your valuable info sharing here..
Wordpress Developers

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